2020 - Present Ph.D. Candidate in Speech and Hearing Sciences
Concentration: Auditory and Language Neuroscience
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA
Thesis: Exploring the Influence of Neural Health on the Efficacy of Electrical Field Shaping Techniques in Cochlear Implant Recipients (in progress)
GPA: 4.0
2017 - 2019 MSc. in Speech and Hearing Sciences
Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey
Thesis: Comparison of Spectral Resolution Test Batteries in Normal Hearing Listeners and Cochlear Implant Users
GPA: 4.0 - High Honor Student
2012 - 2017 BSc. in Audiology
Bezmialem Vakif University, Istanbul, Turkey
Thesis: Comparison of Click, Tonebursts, and Chirp Stimulated C-Vemp and O-Vemp Responses in Healthy People
GPA: 3.79


2020 - Present Graduate Teaching Associate
College of Health Solutions
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA
2020 - Present Graduate Research Associate
Auditory Implant Lab
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA
2017 - 2019 Audiologist
Auditory Training Department
Ikem Isık Education and Rehabilitation Center, Istanbul, Turkey
2016-2017 Intern
Audiology Clinic, Department of Neuroscience
University of Padova, Padua, Italy


Peer Reviewed Journal Publications

Arslan, N. O., & Luo, X. (2024). Effects of Pulse Shape on Pitch Sensitivity of Cochlear Implant Users. Hearing Research, 109075.
Arslan, N. O., & Luo, X. (2022). Assessing the relationship between pitch perception and neural health in cochlear implant users. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 23, 875–887.
Arslan, N. O., Akbulut, A. A., Köse, B., Karaman-Demirel, A., & Derinsu, U. (2021). Sound quality perception of cochlear implant recipients: low-frequency information and foreign-language effect. International Journal of Audiology, 61:12, 1045-1053.

Non-Peer Reviewed Articles

Arslan, N. O. (2023, January 23). Cochlear implants can bring the experience of sound to those with hearing loss, but results may vary – here’s why. The Conversation.

Manuscripts in Preparation

Arslan, N.O., Vecellio, A., & Luo, X. Hearing history may influence the benefit from remixing music in electrical hearing.
In preparation for Journal of the Acoustic Society of America.
Arslan, N.O., & Luo, X. Effect of neural health on the benefits of current focusing in place-pitch sensitivity of cochlear implant recipients.


Oral Presentations

Arslan, N.O. & Luo, X. (2022). Neural health measures are correlated with place pitch sensitivity of cochlear implant users.
Talk presented at Association for Research in Otolaryngology 45th Annual MidWinter Virtual Meeting.
Arslan, N.O. & Ciprut, A. (2019). Comparison of spectral resolution test batteries in normal hearing and cochlear implant users.
Talk presented at Marmara University Audiology Alumni Meeting in Istanbul, Turkey.
Arslan, N.O., Bal, N., Gedik, O., Aydın, Z., & Demirci, B. (2018). Comparison of click, tonebursts, and chirp stimulated C-Vemp and O-Vemp responses in healthy people.
Talk presented at National Audiology Congress in Istanbul, Turkey.

Poster Presentations

Arslan, N.O., Vecellio, A. & Luo, X. (2024). Hearing History may Influence the Music-Remixing Benefit in Electrical Hearing.
Poster presented at The AAS 51st Annual Scientific & Technology Conference.
Arslan, N.O. & Luo, X. (2023). The effect of pulse shape on pitch sensitivity of cochlear implant users.
Poster presented at Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses 2023 (CIAP2023).
Arslan, N.O. & Luo, X. (2023). Anodic-centered triphasic pulses may improve pitch perception in cochlear implant users.
Poster presented at 2023 Institute for Social Science Research Graduate Student Poster Contest.
Arslan, N.O. & Luo, X. (2022). Neural health measures are correlated with place pitch sensitivity of cochlear implant users.
Poster presented at 2022 Institute for Social Science Research Graduate Student Poster Contest.


Teaching Assistantships

Spring 2024 SHS 555: Cochlear Implants
Fall 2023 SHS 311: Hearing Science
SHS 375: Speech Science
SHS 401: Principles of Audiology
Spring 2023 SHS 555: Cochlear Implants
Fall 2022 SHS 401: Principles of Audiology
SHS 310: Anatomical and Physiological Bases of Speech
Spring 2022 SHS 205: Exploring Communication Disorders in Children and Adults
SHS 311: Hearing Science
SHS 401: Principles of Audiology
Fall 2021 SHS 311: Hearing Science
SHS 375: Speech Science
SHS 310: Anatomical and Physiological Bases of Speech
Spring 2021 SHS 485: Acquired Speech and Language Disorders
Fall 2020 SHS 310: Anatomical and Physiological Bases of Speech
SHS 401: Principles of Audiology

Guest Lectures

Spring 2023 Topic: Speech Coding Strategies
SHS 555: Cochlear Implants
Fall 2022 Topic: Ototoxicity and Pharmacology
SHS 520: Auditory Pathologies/Disorders and Otoneurologic Applications


2024-2025 Award "Completion Fellowship" issued by Graduate College, Arizona State University
2024 Award & Honor "CAPCSD Ph.D. Scholarship" issued by the Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders
2024 Award "College of Health Solutions Graduate Student Support" issued by College of Health Solutions, Arizona State University
2023 Award "CIAP2023 Student Aid Award" issued by Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses Committee
2023 Award "Graduate College Travel Award Q1" issued by Graduate College, Arizona State University
2023 Award "College of Health Solutions Graduate Student Support" issued by College of Health Solutions, Arizona State University
2023 Award "Travel Grant" Issued by Graduate and Professional Student Association, Arizona State University
2022 Award & Honor "The New Century Scholars Doctoral Scholarship" issued by The American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation
2022 Award & Honor "The Outstanding Speech and Hearing Ph.D. Student in Research Award and Scholarship" issued by College of Health Solutions, Arizona State University
2022 Award & Honor "Honorable Mention in the Completed Category, Graduate Student Poster Competition" issued by The Institute for Social Science Research, Arizona State University
2022 Award "ARO MidWinter Meeting Travel Award" issued by Association for Research in Otolaryngology
2017-2019 Grant Derinsu, U., Köse, B., Akbulut, A., Karaman, A., & Arslan, N.O. Assessment of Sound Quality Perception in Native-Turkish Speaking Adult Cochlear Implant Users Using TR-MUSHRA. Marmara University Department of Audiology
2016 Award "Erasmus+ Traineeships Student Funding" issued by European Commission
2015-2017 Award & Honor "Academic Achievement Scholarship" issued by Bezmialem Vakif University


Programming & Web Development: Languages: PHP, Python, Java
Web Technologies: HTML, CSS
Data Analysis: Languages: R, Python
Tools: SPSS
Signal Processing and Analysis: Languages: MATLAB, Python
Tools: Bionic Ear Data Collection System, Praat, Audacity, Adobe Audition